Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I'm really bad at photography but I really love great pictures. I am particularly in love with the printed ones - not just Facebook digital pictures. I love the idea of going to a Kodak shop or Fotofirst with a disc or memory stick, select gloss or matt finish, border or no border - then wondering around the shopping mall hoping that the sign "Fotos in an hour" is not just an advertising gimmick.

But even more than that, I love the primitive idea of using film (well not so primitive since the uptake of Lomography). I like that you can take a group photo and no one will hound you straight away to see the photo then command you to delete it because they were still perfecting their pose. And although reprints are possible with film, it's always more effort than people are willing to put in, almost making the photo you print, a one of a kind. Once it's printed, it begins its long journey to becoming vintage, first being selected as one of the "nice" photos and making it into your 50 photos album you bought at CNA or got for your birthday from your varsity friends. Over the months, it slowly moves to the back of a storage cupboard and eventually boxed up, not to be reopened for a long time, as you move from home to home over the years. Then one day, it resurfaces on a spring clean and becomes the topic of conversation for hours as we recall the all the fond memories! Wow, even Instagram can't replace that.

Can't wait to take my little one on a spin. I did try before but apparently its been so long, I can't remember how to load film into the camera :( HELP....

get one for yourself or as a gift for a photolover from here with many other cool photography gadgets

Final thoughts

Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives - Unknown

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